August 1, 2024

JUMP-IN AS SESTO at glyndebourne

Ray Chenez made his role debut as Sesto last night in Glyndebourne, jumping in for Svetlina Stoyanova. This is the first time a countertenor has performed the role in David McVicar’s iconic production of Giulio Cesare. Laurence Cummings conducted the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment.

July 20, 2024

nireno in Giulio Cesare in Glyndebourne

Ray Chenez as Nireno in Glyndebourne

© Richard Hubert Smith / Glyndebourne

Ray Chenez, countertenor and skilled comic actor, deftly used every opportunity for humour as the mincing Nireno.
— National World
In this production, Cleopatra’s servant Nireno is played in a scene-stealing comic way and Ray Chenez certainly went to town. Physically adroit, Chenez made Nireno’s antics visually expressive even if they felt, to me, somewhat over the top and a tad overdone. He was appealing in Nireno’s aria, another one of those that can easily feel like a make-weight.
— Planet Hugill
Ray Chenez, also a house debutant, who played and sang Nireno (a sort of guide and ‘fixer’) most effectively, making much of his various interactions with others.
— Roy Westbrook, Backtrack

May 25, 2024

Ray Chenez to make Glyndebourne Debut

Rehearsals are underway!

Ray Chenez will make his Glyndebourne debut in David McVicar’s iconic production of Giulio Cesare as Nireno. Laurence Cummings conducts the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment.

The premiere is on June 23, 2024, with 15 performances running through August 23rd!

For tickets, click here

October 9, 2023

Nerone in Monteverdi’s L’Incoronazione di Poppea

photos by Laurent Guizard

Ray Chenez made his successful debut as Nerone at Opéra di Rennes in the critically-acclaimed production from Aix-en-Provence directed by Ted Huffman, with Le Banquet Céleste under the musical direction of Damien Guillon.

Le contre-ténor Ray Chenez assume pleinement le rôle de Néron, le jouant en jeune premier séduisant et imbu de lui-même. Son timbre brillant, particulièrement dans les sommets de la tessiture, sait se faire puissant et vigoureux, aussi bien que sensuel et capricieux.
— Emmanuel Deroeux, OLYRIX
Le contre-ténor Ray Chenez campe un somptueux Néron à la voix ductile, d’une grande liberté. Carnassier et glacial face à Sénèque, il forme avec Catherine Trottmann un couple d’une justesse scénique proverbiale, tout en sensualité sulfureuse.
— Tania Braca, FORUMOPERA
A commencer par le contre-ténor étasunien Ray Chenez qui compose un Néron névrotique et sadique, avec un regard et une expression inquiétants, et qui convainc sans réserve autant par le jeu, très vif, que par le chant, d’une exceptionnelle autorité.
— Emmanuel Andrieu, CLASSIQUENEWS
Ray Chenez lui donne la réplique et impose un Néron capricieux, cruellement infantile, capable surtout du pire et certes pas du meilleur. Sa tessiture est complètement bluffante. On est clairement très au-dessus de ce qu’on attend d’un contre-ténor
— Thierry Martin, UNIDIVERS

October 7, 2023

Ray Chenez: “Varias óperas de Händel ya pertenecen al repertorio común”

Interview in PRO Ópera magazine:

El joven contratenor estadounidense Ray Chenez (Lockport, NY, 1984) posee una de las voces más emocionantes en el actual panorama operístico mundial. Con la sutileza y vehemencia de su canto logra encarnar personajes del barroco musical italiano, alemán e inglés, creados por soberbios compositores como Francesco Cavalli, George Friedrich Händel, Johann Adolf Hasse, Claudio Monteverdi, Nicola Porpora, Henry Purcell y Leonardo Vinci.

Read the full interview here.

August 28, 2023

Sesto in Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito

Ray Chenez as Sesto in Mozart's "La Clemenza di Tito"


A role rarely ever attempted by countertenors, Ray Chenez made a statement in his role debut as Sesto in Mozart’s La Clemenza di Tito.

Read what the press had to say:

Ihr leuchtendes Zentrum hat die Aufführung in dem sensationell spielenden und singenden Ray Chenez: Er macht die Figur des Sesto mit durchweg warmem Stimmkern und virtuosen Registerübergängen durch die gesamte Countertenor-Tessitura zum Ereignis.
— Stephan Knies, OPERNWELT
Ray Chenez in the role of Sesto has magnificent command of his voice, is aware of the demands of Mozart’s phrasing, particularly the touch in it, moderate vibrato, coloratura, vital, emotional, energetically charged expression, and also definitely disciplined in the affective moments. His most popular aria Parto, parto was a real musical experience, in which the contribution of the solo clarinettist Kiril Penchev was very serious - sculpted solos, delicately touching in perfect legato the singer, emphasizing, even elevating his sensuality.